Vidio wayang kulit lucu
Vidio wayang kulit lucu

The puppeteer plays the shadow puppets behind the screen, which is a screen made of white cloth, while behind it is the electric lamp or oil lamp (blencong), so that the spectators on the other side of the screen can see the shadows of the puppets falling onto the screen. Wayang kulit is played by a puppeteer who is also a narrator of dialogue of wayang figures, accompanied by gamelan music played by a group of nayaga and sing by the sinden. The Wayang Kulit origin made mostly made of goat skin, but some are made of cowhide. For now Wayang refers to the entire dramatic puppets show and wayang kulit stories also traced from Islam combined with popular stories and the latest trending news to get more audience also with a joke from famous people and modified song using gamelan and midi keyboard to colorfull the show. Wayang is the art form celebrates the Indonesian culture and artistic talent its origins wayang kulit stories are traced to the spread of Hinduism in the medieval era and the arrival of leather-based puppet arts called Tholu bommalata from southern India. Wayang kulit puppets based on wayang kulit indonesia with in wayang kulit stories wayang kulit origin from Java. Wayang kulit puppets origin from Java Indonesia take a look for more information and watch the performace. Wayang Kulit - Wayang kulit is a traditional performing arts of puppet-shadow play found in the culture of Java, Bali, and Lombok, Indonesia.

Vidio wayang kulit lucu